Avoid 5 Mistakes that Most Singaporeans do About their Child’s Tuition
If your child is failing in specific subjects despite having the best home tutors, something wrong is going on. Home tuition can go wrong due to multiple reasons and when it does, most Singaporeans blame the tutor, the tuition agency, and even the child, but themselves.
This happens because most parents underestimate the impact of a home tutor, and that can make all the difference. So, here in this article, we are going to tell you some common mistakes that most parents do about their child’s private tuition.
Hiring home tutors when they don’t need one
While the point may seem obvious, but still, most parents hire home tutors unnecessarily. When your child is scoring good grades and likes to do homework on their own, you should probably avoid hiring a private tutor. The best strategy would be to ask them if they need private tutors or not. So, if it comes out they are comfortable in all subjects, but mathematics, you should just provide math tuition Tampines.
If your child is constantly scoring 85 or 90marks in maths, you don’t need to hire a math tutor two times a week, but once in a week will suffice.
Try not to hover
As a parent, you will always want to know about your child’s progress, but don’t let that turn into hovering unnecessarily. Constant hovering over your child’s tuition is not just annoying to the child, but for the private tutor as well. It will give them a feeling that you are not trusting in their skills and that may be discouraging, which will end up making them less and less effective.
Some parents even join the tuition lessons with their child, which creates awkward situations that make the tutors uncomfortable. Yes, you should spend some time, let’s say 15-20 minutes with your child during the first lesson and assess the tutor’s abilities, but not more than that.
Besides, if you keep showing up and started spending time during the lessons, the tutor may choose to discontinue.
Don’t plan tuition lessons on weekdays
You don’t want your child to turn up in the tuition classes with an upsetting mood. If they don’t wish to be there at that specific time, private tuition will do more harm than good.
No, we are not talking about the inefficiency of the tutors, but forcing your child to join the session on weekdays. Your child spends as much as 7-9 hours in school and after that, they have their CCAs. So, by evening, they will have no energy left to join the tuition classes, even if it’s home tuition.
You need to allow them some time to rest and indulge in their hobbies or play to avoid making tuition classes dull, boring, and stressful.
Unwilling to change and experiment
When one tuition teacher doesn’t come out as expected, parents just give up on the idea completely. Others may not do that, but let the same tutor stick with the child, which will provide nothing, but bad results. You must remember that home tuition is about building a tutor-student relationship and it can go wrong in multiple ways.
So, if you see that your child is not happy with the tuition teacher even after the second month and not showing any improvements, you should find a new tutor.
Flipping tutors constantly
Don’t let the 4th point put you into thinking that flipping the tutors is the best choice. For example, if you have hired ip physics tuition at Tampines, give them some time to assess your child and come up with the best-customized lesson plan.
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